Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I have neglected you. No surprise. Haha. I have never been good at keeping a journal either, so don't take it personally. But i do want to try! I guess we'll start here. So i would say not much is new. Even though a lot is. But thats not new, things are always changing in my life. So yes, nothing's new. But for those of you who arent up to speed heres a little run down- moved into a new apartment with my mission friend katie and got a new job at Sephora. A lot of other things have gone on in between, but none of which i really prefer to post about :) But the new place is nice, although katie just got engaged so will be moving out in 3 months so i have to find another roommate.... UGH!!!! im so sick of having to deal with the roommate thing. i just need to buy that condo downtown that i love and be there by myself! (ok. my parents need to buy it.) and i'll just take care of it for them! haha. Sephora is lots of fun. but definitely a lot more physically draining than i was anticipating. on my feet and running around like crazy all day. but i love sephora so i cant complain! exciting to go home next week for miss avas bday... i miss my family!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

some of my guilty pleasures...

i think we all have our guilty pleasures. some hide them, some embrace them. i choose to come out of the closet with a few of mine...

1. Utah Jazz- i reunited with a long lost love of mine thanks to brett. i am a die hard jazz fan again (apostated when stockton and malone left). we watch every game on tv. and if possible, attend the home games (my personal fave). i get so worked up i'll lose my voice for days! the last game we went to was against the phoenix suns. we enjoyed a wonderful one armed juggler for the halftime show. and let it be known i have a crush on deron williams, and wesley matthews. i cant help myself.

2. Nordstrom- hi my name is laura, and im a nordaholic. if they had nordstrom rehab, id probably have to check myself in. luckily my income doesnt allow me to indulge in my addiction as much as id like. but from time to time, i'll splurge. this is my most recent find, a darling little clutch that can fit all my little goodies. theres a whole separate compartment for all your wads of cash... that youd have if you hadnt spent it all on the wallet.

3. Reality T.V.- i'll be the first to admit that a lot of reality tv is so ridiculously stupid. but somehow once you start you cant stop. my shows of choice are the bachelor, biggest loser, and keeping up with the kardashians. if i missed an episode it would be like missing a week in my own life. let me go on record by saying jake the bachelor is a huge goober, albeit handsome, i eat junk food sitting on the couch watching biggest loser, and i have a girl crush on kim kardashian, shes gorgeous.

Monday, January 25, 2010


my life is my own, truth be told my heart is my home
dusty boxes full of cliches and fairy tales clutter the corners of my mind
with trimmings of old memories, some good some bad, im losing my power to recall
peace and contentment fill up my soul, until it rains adversity and all overflows
the thoughts of my heart are occupied by love and conviction, a position of faith unyielding
please give me life, give me breath, an immortal frame to call home...
a heart thats enduring, a life not my own

Sunday, January 24, 2010

quiz about me...

Eye Color- hazelgrayblueish (green with contacts)
Hair Color- brown
Height- 5'8" and 3/4ths
Right or Left Handed- right
Your Weakness- waking up early, yummy baked goods, nordstrom & sephora
Your Fears- someone breaking in to my house and murdering me. yep.
Your Most Overused Phrase- dingleberry
Thoughts First Waking Up- i dont want to.
Your Best Physical Feature- um, how can i decide? haha
Your Bedtime- usually around 1am
Pepsi or Coke- if i had to pick, pepsi. but i dont drink cola.
McDonalds or Burger King- mcdonalds for sure. mcnuggets...mmm.
Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt- both!
Pizza or Chinese- pizza if its pizza hut, chinese if its pf changs or hong kong
Cappuccino or Coffee- sick nasty neither
Chocolate or Vanilla- not a big fan of chocolate unless its fancy european kind
Been Arrested- i wish!
Do You Smoke- no
Do You Drink- alcohol? no.
Do You Swear- no. but if im very upset its been known to come out once or twice
Do You Sing- yes! perform? no!
Have You Been In Love- yes :)
Do You Believe in Yourself- most of the time
Ever Been Sad or Depressed- of course. thats life.
Do You Get Along With Your Parents- yes! theyre the best
Do You Have Any Brothers or Sisters- 3 sisters, 1 brother
Do You Like Thunderstorms- deathly afraid when i was little, but love them now!
Do You Play an Instrument- use to piano. and yes mom, i regret quitting just like you said i would.
Do You Have Any Pets- no, want a newfoundland dog someday :)
What Is Your Favorite Color- green
Ever Been Drunk- no
Ever Shoplifted- i think i took a candy from the bulk candy bins when i was younger
Ever Gotten a Speeding Ticket- hahahaha.... yes.
Number of Piercings- just one in each ear (use to have 4 others. dumb)
Number of Tattoos- i guess my permanent cosmetics counts, so 2!
Number of Past Regrets- too many to count. but learned from them all
Close With Your Family- geographically no. wish i could see them more.
Gotten Into a Fight- no, but id love to slap someone for real! haha.
Favorite Sports Team- go jazz!
Do You Do Drugs- no silly.
What Kind Of Car Do You Drive- a beautiful 2010 toyota highlander, thanks dad :)
Do You Like to Clean- i do find it theraputic. but im notorious for having a messy room.
Do You Like to Cook- i do actually! especially for other people
Apple Juice or Orange Juice- apple. my first sentence was "mommy, i like apples!"
Broken a Bone- yep. did an amazing kart wheel off a treadmill and came up with a sweet bent out elbow.
Played Truth or Dare- so many times, actually just last week
Believe in Love at First Sight- definitely not. but i do believe in love.
Phone or IM- uh, what? i do enjoy being able to text. sometimes you just dont want to have to talk on the phone ya know.
Wal-Mart or Target- target for sure. they have cute clothes!
How Do You Want to Die- in my sleep no older than 80 (unless im still functional)
What's Annoying You Right Now- commercials!


So I can't sleep and was checking out some of my friends blogs, and decided it was time to create my own. Don't let me excite you, it will probably be boring as heck, but it might be a good alternative to journaling (minus the intimate details of course). So come visit me from time and time and hopefully this can be a good place for you to see what's going on in my life! (especially my family thats not on facebook, haha)